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  • Writer's pictureJulia D.

Canceled Plans and Covid 19

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Right now I am sitting on my couch thinking about all the travel plans that had to be canceled because of the coronavirus outbreak. I try not to dwell in disappointment too long because in the grand scheme of things, its an effect off the pandemic that does not truly hurt me. My family and I could have come out of this with a lot worse fate, and many people have so I am definitely counting my blessings in that.

A deer we saw on one of our many quarantine walks.

That being said I believe we still have a right to missing what could have been and what we had been planning and looking forward to for months before. I don't know if I am the only one but for the longest time I used upcoming trips or events as something to look forward to when life was getting stressful or monotonous. Even small things like going to see a new movie or going to get boba with a friend. Bigger things like concerts or vacations were my markers of the year. For years now I have lived in a state of "Oh its only 6 months till the Harry Styles concert" or " three more weeks till we spend the long weekend at the beach." Understandably, this can't function as the marker of time anymore. During this coronavirus pandemic it seems almost impossible to imagine the future, near or far. Even with the state of things opening back up I'm stuck wondering when anyone will be able to travel, especially abroad, or enjoy concerts. Will we ever have it safely back to before? Because many people will try and force it back but that does not mean it'll be ready for it.

I have been in quarantine since March 13th. I am so lucky to be quarantined with my family and be able to get paid my normal amount as I work from home. So again, I am not complaining so much as trying to express how much I rely on anticipation to get me through the tough time at work, or the days you just feel stuck mentally. And thats one of the amazing things travel can bring. Along with connecting and discovering other cultures and ways of life, it brings a break from the ordinary, a change to the routine that doesn't flip everything on its head for good, a chance to explore, a chance to seperate yourself from your responsibilities and really live. It can be real escapism, just like music. It can be a way to connect, just like live music.

Spending more time with pets :)

So I am not saying it is bad living your life in anticipation for your next special moment or escape from the day to day. But quarantine, and the cancelation of all my trips and plans I was using to help motivate me to get through a hard first year at my job have taught me that I can't survive off of

Kitty walks!

anticipation alone. I need to find some other factor to help me continue to thrive and live excitedly even when there is nothing special on the horizon. Whether its finances or other circumstances out of your control (like a global pandemic), life can't always be about looking forward to the next big event. Sometimes it's about surviving and remembering to live day to day, not just be.

To anyone reading this, I hope you are safe and healthy. xx

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