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  • Writer's pictureJulia D.

Travel Hopes for 2020!

Starting the new decade off, I'm sure many of us have a similar New Year's resolution of traveling more. I know for me, having a trip to look forward to even a short one helps me get through the cabin fever winter blues that always finds its way back as it turns to February.


2019 was a big travel year for me, and I think thats why it was one of my favorite years to date! I spent the entire month of July living and working in Hong Kong at a summer camp. It was one of the coolest experiences and I truly fell in love with the dynamic city.

As much as I cannot wait to get back to Hong Kong and bring family and friends, I've been daydreaming of some places new. Right now, one of my good friends is working overseas in Germany. She has plans to come back to the states this summer so my hope is to get a chance to visit her charming little town, Garmisch-Partenkirchen and explore Munich. I know very little about Germany so I am excited to dive into this whole new culture.

As my friend and I planned my trip to visit her we also decided that Scotland was on the radar. This made me super excited because recently my family found out that we have some Scottish ancestry through my Nana. As I started diving into my genealogy I was learning about this whole other side of my family history that I can't wait to explore in person. Scotland looks absolutely beautiful and green and I hope to see some medieval castles when I go!

While overseas travel is super exciting I think I forget how many interesting places exist in United States! As a major history nerd, I grew up completely entranced with the story of the Revolutionary War. The center of that passion and protest was in Boston, Massachusetts. I have not gotten a chance to see Boston yet but in 2019 I had a close friend move up there. Another friend also started looking at jobs in Boston. So I thought ... what better time to finally visit this Revolutionary city than this spring! I hope the trip happens as I am excited to see what Boston really has to offer and to not need to sit in a plane for 10+ hours lmao.

Other trips I've heard mentioned are my sister and Colorado, and my friend I went to Hong Kong with is trying to go to Cambodia. Those may just be dreams, who knows yet! Putting everything out in front of me really hits me that I need to start to save as much money as I can! So any tips would be great! Hope you all have some great travel dreams coming up this year and that you at least get to see some of them through!

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